Monday, December 29, 2008

We Have Moved!

We Have Moved!

Hi everyone! I trust that you have all enjoyed
a Happy Christmas with your family and

I am now in my "new" house and it is taking
a little longer to get everything organized and
in its place.

I had some "new" spool knitters added to the
collection since the last post, however, the collection
is still in storage at present.

Stay tuned........ I will have something
to feed the spool knitting bug soon!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Next Generation

Sometimes in this world, if you are
patient enough, good things will come
to you.
Was it the novel endearing character of these
particular strickliesel (spool knitter)?
OR ..... Was it the current popular
revival of the craft of spool knitting that
brought back these lovely spool knitters?
Either way, we have the arrival of the
next generation
of the "yellow hat brigade" with
a twist!!
At this stage (due to moving house and
all of my collection being packed and not
being able to access them),
I cannot go into more detail
regarding the original versions of
this spool knitter. I will have to post
more about that at a later time.
But these were new arrivals in
the post today and
I had to show them to you now.
So without further ado -
I present the next generation......

Okay now ...... as I have found with so many
spool knitters in their boxes, the one
pictured on the top of the box varies
to the one in the box.
I purchased three of these and all three
have red hats, the same colour stripes,
and the same number of stripes.
For those who are practically regular
readers of my blog, you will remember the
vintage originals with their yellow hats
and the many colours and stripes and
designs that they are found in.
I have almost fifty vintage spool knitters
of this style and none of them
are exactly the same!
So here we have the updated spool knitter
and due to production costs they are
all exactly the same colours/design.
(But I wonder where the one on the
top of the box is?)

This is the back of the box (sorry about glare)
which is all in German.
No - Made in China or Taiwan - here.

And for a little nostalgic look .......
here are the vintage
spool knitters.

This is the last post for a few weeks
but I hope to be back in time for
Christmas! See you then!


Added December 4th

I am so glad that some things have been
cleared up for me concerning these new
strickliesel/spool knitters.
Which is why I would encourage anyone
who knows otherwise to contact me regarding
anything that I have posted about on
my spoolknitter blog.
The "next generation" strickliesel does come
in a variety of stripes and colours!
It just so happened that my order must have
been of the same batch.
And what's more - they also come with different
coloured hats!
The directions are on the bottom of the box (in
German) although somewhat not too clear according
to my dear German friend.

See you soon!
