Chickids in Australia have a wonderful
new Knitting Doll on their website*
made by ToysLink - China.
Unfortunately, there is no information
to be found on this company but I would
say it is relatively new to the toy world.
*(Added April 24 - I am sorry to say that
they are now out of stock but I am told there will
be more arriving soon!)
**(Added April 29 - I am now very glad to say
that new stock has just arrived!)
The dolls are colourful with each one having
a slight difference to the other.
Besides the main colour, we have flowers,
facial features and hair, that all vary slightly.
Unusual in this time to have so many
variations in painting a knitting doll.
Surprisingly, the cost of the doll is extremely

Colours to be found are red, orange, blue, green, purple
and pink.
I am hopeful of finding the pink and purple
dolls to add to the set.
They come in their own plastic pouch with wooden
needle and instructions, and six different
coloured wools to start knitting with.

new Knitting Doll on their website*
made by ToysLink - China.
Unfortunately, there is no information
to be found on this company but I would
say it is relatively new to the toy world.
*(Added April 24 - I am sorry to say that
they are now out of stock but I am told there will
be more arriving soon!)
**(Added April 29 - I am now very glad to say
that new stock has just arrived!)

a slight difference to the other.
Besides the main colour, we have flowers,
facial features and hair, that all vary slightly.
Unusual in this time to have so many
variations in painting a knitting doll.
Surprisingly, the cost of the doll is extremely

Colours to be found are red, orange, blue, green, purple
and pink.

dolls to add to the set.

needle and instructions, and six different
coloured wools to start knitting with.


Hi there! Just wondering if you had seen some of the knitting toys on this page -
I saw some of them at a historical park this weekend, but wasn't sure if I needed a ring knitter. Well, I suppose I do!
Thanks for the link Purple Pony Art!
I had seen this site previously...but there are a few obstacles for an international buyer.
Lucky US buyers are able to take advantage of the website.
Unfortunately I did notice that. The next time I go to Heritage Park here in Calgary, I can try to pick you some of these! Just let me know :-)
Keep up the good work as always!
Thanks so much for thinking of me Purple Pony Art......I do so appreciate help from others to aid my obsessive spoolknitter collecting habit ...... and of course - I would love another spoolknitter!!
Cool! Expect a future email from me. The park opens for the season next weekend and we'll probably go within the next two months. It's quite a trip for us to get there as we live on the very north edge of Calgary and the park is on the very southwest edge. One really has to make a whole day of it :-)
Thanks so much, but I hope that the purpose in going would not only be for my sake!
My name is Nathalie and I am from the province of Quebec in Canada. I speek french and my english is very bad. I hope you will understand me.
Firt of all, I will like to congratulate you for you wonderful blog! Wow! I didn't know spool knitters a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love with those little things. Immediately, I decide to collect theme. I realised that it is very expensif to have vintage knitters, but I bought new ones. I try to order the magnificient doll from Austalia, but I can not find the web site. Can you help me?
I already order your book ''Spoolknitters...Old & New'' and I learned a lot. Thank you! You say that Editha Fischer published book on spollknitters il Germany. Do you know how I can find those books?
My dreem is to buy a vintage knitting Nancy one day...I saw the Nancy that you did and they are fantastic! Bravo!
I thank you very much and I hope my comment make sens to you.
Hello Nathalie! I am very glad that you have found me! Thankyou for your kind words re my blog and my book - I am currently working on a much larger volume which will also include patterns. I can get the Toyslink knitting doll for you, I am waiting to hear from them about ordering more (they do not ship internationally). The Editha Fischer books are in German text. She has a website where you can order them (just type in Editha Fischer via Google or whatever search engine you use) OR you can get issue 1, 7, and 8 from Lacis website (USA) (again, search Lacis - go to online catalog - type in strickliesel - and the three issues will show up).
Can you email me direct using knittingbee at telstra dot com - and I will get back to you regarding the Toyslink knitting doll?
You can also join my spoolknitter group on Flickr - the link is in the right side column of my blog - and you can post photos of the spoolknitters in your collection and also ask questions about anything to do with them (start a topic in Discussions) - I hope to see you there!
Kind regards, (Maz) crazyhaberdasher aka spoolknitter
Hello crazyhaberdasher!
I am very happy because you understand me very well!
It's very kind of you to order the Toyslink knitting dolls for me! I will contact you on your email.
Thank you for the informations on Editha Fisher books.
I will try to join your group on Flickr, but I can not post photos of my collection because I only have 14 spoolknitters! It's very difficult for me to find vintage ones around.
Thank you for your help!
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