Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Announcing the June Bride Competition

There is a brand new competition 
now underway over at Yahoo Spoolknitter
(link in right-hand column of blog)
and not to be confused with Flickr Spool Knitter,
but you are most welcome there too!
If you want to join in the fun,
come on over and join our Yahoo group
and you will then get to know the details
for the competition.
The prize?.......
is not one!.... but TWO hand painted
spoolknitters below ....

Competition closes May 29th!

The Happy Couple!



Márcia said...

Meu nome é Márcia, gostei muito desses aparelhos de fazer spool knitter, vc sabe se vende na internet? Gostaria de comprar.

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi Marcia! Check out ebay under spool knitting, you should be able to find them there, or you can Google spool knitting ... cheers, Maz