Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Ready to Paint!

Francois is amazing!
He can take my very rough drawing
and turn it into a spool knitter. His work is so beautifully done!
Here are four of the new spoolknitters ready for me
to paint. The one on the left is taken from a vintage spoolknitter,
and the three on the right are entirely my design.
I wonder if you can guess what they will be!

Below - the one in the middle you will probably recognise. I
am going to paint it like the vintage tricotins instead of a "knitting
Nancy" as previously done. (See post Knitting Nancy in October).
The two either side are an experiment and nothing more to
say there for now - you will just have to wait and see what
they will become.

Below - no guesses here - I think they will speak for

I am so thrilled to be able to paint these as the "Spears"
vintage Knitting Nancy(s).

Thankyou so much, Francois!

Check back soon for the results!


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